skype chats... (go back »)

March 23 2008, 7:24 PM

Hi! I have moved from my old account which, I think, was xbru1sed, but anyways, this is my new account and I wanted to tell you guys that I will be having skype chats so that you guys can meet me and also meet other cb members. Just to make sure that you can join in, please post a comment either on this entry or on the profile page with the following:

Your Name:
Your Skype Username:

I will need that so that I can add you from my account which is zerogravity08

Here are some details about the chats.

Timezone: Sydney, NSW, Australia **Add 10 hours to US Standard Time**
Dates: Weekends, for sure, not sure which time or dates.
Host: zerogravity08

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  • Male
  • 15 years old


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